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Aims of JERMS

The Joint Environmental Radiation Monitoring System (JERMS; in Hungarian: HAKSER) was established in 1981, based on a decision of Hungarian Atomic Energy Commission, to perform a regular and independent radiological monitoring of the environment located around the Nuclear Power Plant Paks. Recently, the operation of JERMS is regulated by the Governmental Decree No. 275/2002 (XII.21.).

Laboratories of organizations involved in the activities of JERMS collect different environmental samples from a circular region having 30 km radius of the NPP. The results of the radiological analyses of the samples collected are sent to the Data Processing and Analyzing Centre of JERMS, for the processing of the data and determination of the radiation burden of the population living around the NPP.

The institutions taking part in the JERMS prepares and publishes the results of the environmental monitoring of the vicinity of NPP via annual reports.

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Revision: 04-01-2010